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  • Writer's pictureJean Michie

Cotillion and Dancing VS Snapchat and Texting!

Why is Ballroom dancing important?

“Today, kids meet someone at an activity, and they connect with them on Snapchat and Instagram and follow them on Twitter or text them. They have instant communication with hoards of peers.”

Huge RED Flag!!! Our children need more than how others present themselves on Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter or Facebook!

Here is an example of real communication:

A young man or young lady sweating bullets as they step out of their comfort zone to ask someone to dance. It takes courage to look someone square in the eye, with a hopeful smile on your face, while asking them to dance, and that is just the beginning! The idea of accepting a dance with someone who is not your cup of tea or dancing with someone who is everything you had hoped for is hard to say the least! Add, movement, real face to face introductions, conversation, closed dance position to that recipe and you have a complicated situation. That happens all day long in a Cotillion Class!

As Janet Carlson, a ballroom dancer, explains in an article on, "Your job is to think about your partner’s comfort while you dance, and your partner’s job is to think about yours."

Isn’t this how we are all hoping our children think when interacting with adults and peers?

It’s not a coincidence that we are seeing the popularity of dances decline at the same time we are seeing the rise of the hanging-out culture. If a young man or young lady doesn't have the courage to ask someone to dance for 2 minutes, how is he/she going to have the courage to ask her/him on a date that will last a few hours?

Yes, asking someone to dance certainly requires more courage than texting someone or liking their posts on Facebook.

In one study reported in Psychology Today, “patients who suffered with anxiety were assigned to one of four classes: math, music, exercise or a modern dance class. Only those who took the modern dance class saw a significant reduction in their anxiety. Getting the body moving can help a person relax.”

Cotillion along with Ballroom dance provides an appropriate social setting where young people can make eye contact, read each other's body language and start a conversation. Add to that integrity, table manners, good etiquette at home and in the community and you will find a fun and inspiring Cotillion Class or event!

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